Become a member

Support Tier
$1 per month
or $0.75 for subs

You want to support the church endeavors.

5% off
Distinguished Discord Role
$5 $4.75 first month
then $2.50 for subs

The doors are open and the pews kept in pewrfect shape

10% Off Entire Store
Distinguished Discord Role
Exclusive Discord Channel Access
Community Night
$15 $13.50 first month
then $9.75 for subs

You are not only keeping the church open and the pews in good condition, but the candles burning bright.

15% entire store
Distinguished Discord Role
Exclusive Discord Channel Access
Community Night
Early Access to New Merch
Merch Design WIPs and Updates
Merch Design Voting
$25 $22.50 first month
then $20 for subs

The highest of titles
The Fridge is full(and asta isn't allowed to touch it)
The Shutters shine
And you stake your name in the eternal history of our church

25% Entire Store
Distinguished Discord Role
Exclusive Discord Channel Access
Community Night
Merch Design WIPs and Updates
Early Access to New Merch
Merch Design Voting
Merch Vault Access
Comm WIPs and Stream Plans
Stream Activity Polls